Fall Winter 2018: Mongolia

You won't find any landscape wider, bigger or emptier than Mongolia. For one week, we go on a road trip and cover 2500 km. For the most part we drive over unpaved roads. Roads is a bit of a euphemism though... the country is so big and the population so scattered that there are no roads leading from one village to another. Not even dirt roads. Once you walk 100 metres away from a village, there’s only steppe and you drive for hours to reach your destination.

For a few nights, we sleep with nomadic farmer families in their ger. A ger is a traditional round tent. Our briefing pointed out (with exclamation marks) that we’d sleep in tents and that we had to bring a sleeping bag that could withstand temperatures of up to -20 degrees. Our production ladies didn’t know that such a ger is incredibly well insulated. Our super friendly Mongolian hostess came over every one and a half hours at night to heat up the stove with dried camel dung. Temperatures rose to unknown heights in our tent. Luckily, it was pretty cold outside. After the temperatures in Alaska, I thought I had seen the worst of it. But I was wrong. The -40 °C in Alaska were nothing compared to the -20 °C WITH WIND in Mongolia. As soon as there was even the slightest bit of wind, it was impossible to take any photos. Every exposed bit of skin froze instantly.

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Campaign shoot

Behind the scenes

When we are on the road for our campaigns, we go through a lot. The campaign photos always look amazing, but the reality is somewhat different.... Here are some snapshots we took during our trip. Simply click on them to get more info on what you’re looking at.

Our Mongolia trip